Monday, May 26, 2014


What does the 2014 elections in India means to the world and to its neighbors particularly to Pakistan.  Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif attendance to Modi's ceremony was a political decision that must be applauded. However Nawaz Sharif must remember history and past experience in dealing with India. Modi has a record to recon with, however it is expected that West will deal with Modi on similar terms as with Hitler, meaning economical benefit.

For Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif could do himself a favor if he read the article of William Darlymple, a British writer and journalist in Afghanistan..............  Dr. Kausar Talat in this article describe President elect Nerander Modi's personality, his history as politician of Gujarat, the agenda his party RSS wants to implement and a word of caution for Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif.........More

Sunday, May 11, 2014

NGOs - "Non Governemnt Organizations" or are they NO GOOD ORGANIZATIONS ....An analysis of their modus operandi and effects on Pakistan and other countries

NGOs known as non government organizations work for the benefit of humanity all over the world, to educate the illiterate, feed the hungry and eliminate poverty. In reality most are NO GOOD ORGANIZATIONS that are special interest groups designed and used as extensions of the normal foreign policy instrument of certain Western countries and groups of countries. Unselected, unelected self- appointed altruists, with no constituency and accountability answerable to no-one, financed and controlled by foreign entities with specific agenda...........Read on